Saturday, June 1, 2013

Handfasting / Wedding

Handfasting items needed:
·         Ribbons in the colors of Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow (ea. 20 inches long)
·         Gold & Silver cord or ribbon
·         Small broom
·         Rings
·         White candles (as many as you like to go with decorations).
*Put in Bride & Grooms actual name ; in place of Bride and Groom

A Celtic Ceremony
For (name of couple)
Wedding Vows
Official:   (make sure I have rings) Marriage is a sacred covenant of physical, emotional, intellectual, material and spiritual joining. It is the sharing of a couple’s feelings of love and commitment with loved ones. We have come together at this time and to this place, to acknowledge your commitment to share your lives together, You both have chosen this night to begin your new life together as this is the day of the waning moon symbolizing new magical beginnings.

Official: Please bow your heads in a moment of silence to think about the Goddess’s presence.

Official: As male and female love is necessary for the act of creating life and as this love continues year after year in the cycles of life and the mysteries of life and love, so shall you both combine your lives together this day in the embodiment of Groom & Bride…. Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. As time passes remember,,, Like a star should you love be constant, like the earth should your love be firm. Possess one another, yet be understanding. Have patience each with the other, for storms will come, but they will go quickly. Be free in giving of affection and of warmth, Make love often and be sensuous to one another. Have no fear, and let not the ways or words of the unenlightened give you unease. For the Goddess is with you now and always.
Official: as the man, you are the essence of all men. You are the maker of life, the lover, the father, the wise old man, and the warrior. Will you promise to be the man, the adventurous young son, the father of your children, the lover of your woman, her advisor, supporter and protector when need be? If you come to this union with open eyes and open heart, of your own free will, say “I will”.

Groom:  I will.

Official: Bride, as the woman, you are the essence of all women. You are the giver of life, the lover, the mother and the wise old crone. Will you promise to be the woman, the curious young girl, the mother of your children, the lover of your man, his adviser, his supporter and his lawgiver when need be: If you come to this union with open eyes and open heart, of your own free will, say “I will”.

Bride:  I Will.

Official: SHOW RIBBONS – ( hold ribbons up for all to see)  Let these promises hold you fast when life is rough and rocky; let these ribbons bind your hearts, hands and lives together.

Official:  (present the Green ribbon to the Bride & Groom to tie on each others wrist). The color Green symbolizes earth, representing the physical and material. As you tie the green ribbon onto the others wrist, please repeat together after me:
            “With this Green ribbon I promise to live with you always, to share all in the material world I have with you. We are partners in life and love, and we will always work together for the rest of our lives .”

Official:  (present Yellow ribbon to the Bride & Groom to tie on each others wrists). The color Yellow symbolizes air, representing all that is intellectual and mental. As you tie the Yellow ribbon onto the other’s wrist, please repeat together after me:
            With this Yellow ribbon I promise to communicate as clearly as I am able to share my thoughts with you, to share my hopes and dreams, as well as my fears and insecurities. I promise to be open to hear you whether the word be good news or bad. I promise to always look for the good in your words”.

Official:  (present Red ribbon to the Bride & Groom to tie on each others wrist). The color Red symbolizes fire, representing the power and passion in your relationship. As you tie the red ribbon onto the other’s wrist, please repeat together after me:
            “With this Red ribbon I promise to always feed the fire of our physical passion, to never take you for granted and to always remember who you are, to treat you as my lover, to always be open to your expression of your love, and to share myself totally with you”.

Official: (present Blue ribbon to the Bride & Groom to tie on each others wrist). The Blue ribbon symbolizes water, representing the emotional and love. As you tie the Blue ribbon onto the others wrist, please repeat together after me:
            “With this Blue ribbon I promise my heart will always be open to you, to love and respect you, to always put you first in my life, to always consider your feelings when making decisions and to put our relationship as the first priority before all else.

Official:  (present White ribbon to the Bride & Groom to tie on each others wrist). The White ribbon symbolizes Spirit, representing the spiritual and philosophical in life. As you tie the White ribbon onto the others wrist, please repeat together after me.
            “As everything in life is a circle, so is our love. There is no beginning and no end. We have been here before, and someday we will return. We are two, and we are the same. Today and forever, with this White ribbon I promise this will never change”.

Official:  (hold rings up toward the sky) These rings symbolize all the circles we dance in through our lives. These rings will be given and received as a symbol of the promises made and the union created here today/tonight. Blessed be these rings, may they ever inspire your lives, passions and dedication to one another. May you wear them gladly to represent your promises and vows to one another, and may the union that they exemplify always yield the ultimate in joy, serenity, love and passion.

Official:  Groom, take this ring and place it on Bride’s finger and repeat after me: “With these hands I give you my heart and crown it with my love. You are my love for the rest of my life. Please wear this ring as a loving reminder of this sacred commitment we are making to one another today. I, Groom, take Bride to be my lawful wedded partner.

Official: Bride, take this ring and place it on Groom’s finger and repeat after me: “With these hands I give you my heart and crown it with my love. You are my love for the rest of my life. Please wear this ring as a loving reminder of this sacred commitment we are making to one another today. I Bride, take Groom to be my lawful wedded partner.

Official: (Place large silver rope in figure 8 around Groom & Bride’s wrist , then tell the Bride & Groom to turn and face the broom).

Official: This Silver rope represents a silver chain that bonds your love together forever. And now, by the power of the Goddess, I now pronounce you partners for life. You may jump the broom and kiss the bride. may the Goddess bless you always. So Mote it Be!

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