Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Basics of Being a Witch



The only law of Witchcraft is The Threefold Law.
Everything you do comes back to you three times.
Earth Magick works threefold:
The Work is stated and performed in the World of Form.
It goes out into the Invisible World, and comes back to
manifest in the World of Form.

All work is for the good of all only
And according to free will
thus harming none.

One cannot be a Witch "part-time." By definition, Witchcraft
is a way of life and permeates all of life. A Positive Witch
lives by these principles all through every chosen Witchcraft
lifetime, awake and asleep, in work, in deed, in thought, and
in intent.

This means no cursing, no harming. This means no stated
negatives, and all negatives taken out of The Law (The Law
of Cause and Effect).

This does not mean to deny negatives or the Dark. We
acknowledge it, use it positively, strip it of all negative
power, transcend it, and turn it to good.

The Two Worlds

The two Worlds in which we live are: The World of Form and
the Invisible Realm. In this case, the World of Form is
manifest as our planet, Earth. The Invisible Realm includes
everywhere else. The Witch's magick is accomplished with
the conscious use of both Worlds. Our goal is to move and to
live perfectly and easily between the Worlds - always.

Earth Magick

The magick of the Witch connects the Cosmic to the Earth.
Witch magick is visible, tangible, and practical. But the overview
is essential.

Thus, we work in linear time, using The Law of Cause and
Effect. We work with linear time, knowing full well that time
is not necessarily linear, but actually all at once. All time
coexist, and it is because we are aware of this overview that we are
able to see the future, and to work magic forwards (and backwards)
in linear time.

We work with the World of Form, and in it our magick
manifests to the five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste.
Our techniques also employ the five senses - even though
we know full well that space is not defined by what we touch,
see, hear, smell, or taste. We know that all space coexist, limited
only by perception. With the overview, our perception is
the sixth sense - Spirit, represented in the pentagram by the Circle,
which encompasses All.

Words of Power

For Earth Magic, we used words, thoughts, images, ideas,
and rituals to activate our work. We employ the basic, standard
magickal principles to connect the worlds. We follow the
basic Words of Power technique:

  1.  There is One Power.
  2. The Power includes All.
  3. We are all perfect microcosms of the Power (thus we are linked to all beings).
  4. Every being has Free Will and all work is for the good of All.
  5. As microcosms of the One Power which includes All, we draw upon whichever aspect of the Infinite Power we wish to use, for whatever goals we state.
  6. We affirm that the work goes out into The Law of Cause and Effect, and that it is done.
We follow this sequence of ideas, with one important
difference: the use of Alignments. An Alignment is the
direct connection that can be drawn between Deity and
Witch. This powerful link, in effect, combines steps 2,
3, and 5 above. Blessings, spells, and chants are based
upon Words of Power.

The Power of Words

As Witches, we believe that all of our words come true,
not only when we are specifically working magick, but
throughout all of our lives. We also believe that everyone,
including every non - Witch, is continuously creating life
experiences by means of the words that are spoken.
So we may use the following antidotes if we ever hear negative
words spoken by anyone - even ourselves.
  • I take that out of the Law (meaning the Law of Cause & Effect)
  • No harmful power, turn it to good.
  • Goddess (and/or God) forbid.
  • This is dissolved, released, and turned to good.

 By: Marion Weinstein

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