Monday, July 1, 2013


Sometimes no matter what we do, we get into confrontational situations. It's tough. Particularly guys who are into witchcraft may feel a bit different from the rest. When you are in high school, people love to point out and pick on differences to make themselves feel better. Sometimes all we can do is stand tall and not be ashamed of who we are.

If you find that a specific person is picking on you or purposely causing you harm, you can do a binding spell. Binding spells simply block the harmful intention and energies that someone has directed toward you.

Often the result is that the person who is causing problems simply leaves you alone and doesn't really know why. They could simply be distracted by something else, have a change of heart, or not easily find you.

This binding spell does not harm the person. Even though you may feel tempted to retaliate when someone wishes you harm, remember the Law of Three and the Wiccan Rede. Binding neutralizes harm without continuing the cycle.

Start by lighting a white candle. Charge it for protection, then cleanse or smudge a bottle or jar that you can seal up tight. Write the name of the person who is harming you on a piece of paper. Put the paper in the bottle. Then put the following into the bottle:

3 tablespoons of sea salt
1 teaspoon each of any three protection herbs you choose (I prefer frankincense, myrrh, and vervain myself. I've also added various combinations of cinquefoil, sage, St. John's wort, rue, and yarrow.)
 9 nails (if you don't have iron or steel nails, you can use the needles of a cactus too.)
Water, enough to fill up the rest of the bottle.

Close the bottle and shake it up. Take the candle and drip wax on the bottle to create a seal around the lid or cork. Make sure you have something beneath it, such as a bowl or thick cloth, to catch wax that may drip off.

When you are done, you can either bury the bottle somewhere it will not be disturbed or put in the freezer to "cool off" the situation. As long as the bottle is not opened, the binding will last. If you want to break the spell, you can open the bottle.

* Only use this spell when someone purposely means you harm or is intentionally bully you.

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