Monday, July 22, 2013

Mabon & Modron Holiday

The holiday associated with the autumn equinox is usually called Mabon by Wiccans, named after a Celtic god. Not many clear stories are left about Mabon. The one I know that is usually told at the equinox is a modern reconstructed version, focusing on his mother, Modron.

Modron is one Celtic name given to the great Earth goddess. She had a beautiful son named Mabon, who was a force of light and life.

Mabon went wandering off without his mother and fell into the underworld, lost in the darkness, yet shining like a light. Modron in her pain of losing a son, withdrew her power from the land and created the seasons of fall and then winter. Animals of the underworld came to Mabon to help him, including the wise salmon who led Mabon's rescuers to him.

Although one version says that Arthur, fabled king of Camelot, rescued the child, others say Modron found Mabon in the dark of the underworld, and together they returned to the world, created the season of spring, destined to repeat this cycle with every turn of the seasons.

Those familiar with Greed mythology sometimes call Mabon the Celtic male Persephone, as Persephone is a goddess who spends half the year in the underworld during the winter months, and the other half with her mother, Demeter, the goddess of grain and harvest, during the growing seasons. Like Modron, Demeter's sorrow causes fall and witner. Her joy brings spring and summer.

Unlike Persephone, who reaches a sense of adulthood and a loss of innocence in her tale, Mabon's relationship with Modron is one of eternal youth. He is like the image of the child on the Sun tarot card, eternally youthful, and full of bright optimism.

His light provides his mother with the inspiration to renew the land and provide the harvest. Modron is the protective mother, while her son seeks to journey on his own path. Their tale reminds us to have our own adventures. We all need time away, and often we have to face our own personal underworld alone, but don't forget the nurturing and support of the family is there when you return.

Mabon Prayer
Autumn colors of Red and Gold
As I close my eyes tonight
Such a wonder to behold
I feel the God/dess hold me tight.
Watch leaves turning one by one
Though it grows dark I shall not fear
Captured bits of Autumn Sun
For Divine Love protects us all here.
Soon they'll fall and blow away
Through the night until the morn
The golden treasures of today.
When the shining Sun's reborn
When the trees are bare.
Time to sleep, time to dream
And ground grows cold
Till wrm gold rays upon me stream
These warm memories I'll still hold.

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